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  Analysis of Australian Dollar from 01-04-1999 to 07-27-2024 Currency code: AUD Country: Australia Records: 6546  
Graphical overview and performance of Australian Dollar showing the currency rate to the Euro from 01-04-1999 to 07-27-2024
Performance Australian Dollar to the Euro

Current value: 1.65590   Last update: 2024-07-26   1 AUD: 0.6 Euro   Country code: AU   Country flag: Flag from Australia

High and low, best and worst performance

Best performance: 1.16390 on date: 2012-08-09   Worst performance: 2.07350 on date: 2008-12-18

Currency status summary

In other words, on 2012-08-09 one Euro was 1.16390 Australian Dollar, the worst performance was on 2008-12-18 you could get 2.07350 Australian Dollar for one Euro.

The average currency rate of the Australian Dollar over the last 2 months was 1.62214 to 1 Euro, that is a difference of -2.04% to the current value, so it is losing value to the Euro, or in simple words: the Australian Dollar is getting cheaper as you can see in the last month graph below.

Australian Dollar last month
Australian Dollar graphical overview  over the last month
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